
The Representatives of the PAP Governing Body Met with Ryszard Czarnecki, the Vice-President of the European Parliament
Today, the Leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” party Naira Zohrabyan and the representatives of the party’s governing body met with Ryszard Czarnecki, the Vice-President of the European Parliament in the PAP office. The “Prosperous Armenia” party is a member of the Alliance of European Conservatives...
Meeting at the Standing Committee on European Integration
On October 16 the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with Gonzalo Urriolabeitia, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Argentina to Armenia and the Consul Adriana Trotta. Highlighting the development of the Armenian-Argentinean relations,...
Naira Zohrabyan Meets the Ambassador of Italy to Armenia
On October 12 the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with Giovanni Ricciulli, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Armenia. Naira Zohrabyan presented the viewpoint on the RA-EU future legal document of the Committee...
Naira Zohrabyan's speech at the PACE autumn session
Dear Colleagues,   While you still continue to slightly remark on Azerbaijan with the spirit of an English gentleman, on the other hand fervently support the preparation of a suspicious report on Nagorno Karabakh issue, the main purpose of which is known to everyone sitting here, Azerbaijan in...
Armenia MP: Azeri MP says one thing, while his country is doing contrary
Before speaking about tolerance and preparing reports, the Azerbaijani MPs must apologize from PACE rostrum for their anti-Armenian policy, aggressive actions, religious intolerance and cultural vandalism, Naira Zohrabyan, member of the Armenian delegation in PACE and leader of the “Prosperous...
Walter’s dislike for caviar doesn’t prevent him from liking Azerbaijani petrodollars
At the session of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Robert Walter “showed off” his dumb British humor, stating that he doesn’t like caviar and ate it only twice in his lifetime, Naira Zohrabyan, member of the Armenian delegation in PACE...
Armenian delegate to PACE: Walter will try to justify caviar received from Azerbaijan
Armenia has to do everything to ruin scenario of Azerbaijan and its allies – UK and Turkey – at PACE, member of the Armenian delegation to PACE Naira Zohrabyan toldArmenian The delegate recalled that British MP Robert Walter will present a report having an absolutely unacceptable...
PACE 28.09.2015 Vahan Babayan speech
Dear Colleagues, In reply of Mr.Huseynov statements that Armenia rejects the visit of any PACE rapporteur to Armenia that is nothing than blatant lie.No need to remind collegues that it was Azerbaijan,wich consistently rejected Mr. Strasser to visit Azerbaijan for preparing his report.It is a well-...
Meeting at the NA Stranding Committee on European Integration
On September 22 the Chair of the RA NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with Natalia Vutova, Head of the CoE Office in Armenia.  As a PAP Chair, Mrs Zohrabyan introduced the guest the approaches of the party on the constitutional amendments, noting that the...
The PAP leader Naira Zohrabyan’s Congratulation on the Independence Day
Today is the 24th Anniversary of Armenia's Independence. Today, we already have a literate, educated and honest young generation, the generation of Independence, who together with us is surely aware of the real value of Independence. Today, a lot of beautiful and, why not, high-flown words will...
