
PAP MP: Various factors’ impact on Armenia economy will be observed later
YEREVAN. – Member of the opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) National Assembly Faction, economist Mikayel Melkumyan, believes it is an ungrateful task to project how much of an economic growth will be recorded in the country. “We are in the process; the impact of various factors on the [...
Naira Zohrabyan spoke about the recent border tensions in Paris
Today, during the meeting of the PACE Committee on Refugees and Displaced Persons, before the start of the session, the PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan made a statement. The member of the Armenian delegation to the PACE informed the Committee about the recent tensions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border...
Naira Zohrabyan. “The report on Karabakh is long ago written and put on the shelves in London, Voltaire will just put down his signature.”
Member of the Armenian delegation to PACE, also Leader of Prosperous Party of Armenia, Naira Zohrabyan, in the interview with, informed that the report on “Rise in violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and other occupied territories of Azerbaijan”, initiated in the PACE, will be ready no sooner...
‘Prosperous Armenia’ member to serve as ethics committee chairman
At the autumn session of Armenia’s National Assembly starting on September 14, the position of chairman of the Ethics Committee will be transferred to a representative of the largest opposition faction, according to the Law on the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly.  Member of Prosperous...
The PAP members visited the border villages of the Tavush region
PAP visited the village under the burst of machine-gun fire Residents of bordering communities of Tavush marz who are living under the burst of machine-gun fire complain about not the shooting but the domestic problems, high loans, lack of potable water and paid text-books. This was told to Aravot....
The PAP MPs are leaving for the border
In a few minutes, the PAP MPs will leave for Baghanis, Sevqar and the border villages in the Tavush region, which have come under heavy Azerbaijani attack for already two days. The decision was taken  by the PAP Political Council yesterday. The purpose of the visit is first of all to familiarize...
Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on European Integration
On September 3 the Head of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan received Ioannis Tayis, Greek Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia .  Naira Zohrabyan has presented to the Ambassador Armenia’s internal and external agenda issues. The...
PAP will be guided by the decision of the party majority
“We had included sufficient controversial provisions and remarks in our recommendations, which we are going to discuss point by point with the authorized representative of the Constitutional Reforms Commission, who will also introduce the draft of the reform to the Parliament,” said the Head of PAP...
On the 1st of September Naira Zohrabyan accompanied Frunze to school No. 141, the child whose mother committed suicide trying to kill him with her
Today, the PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan accompanied Frunze Nahapetyan to Nor Nork school No. 141, the child, whose mother committed suicide by self-immolation trying to kill his son with her.  In response to the questions whether she was among the many other officials, who were visiting various...
Annual Meeting of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists
The annual meeting of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists is taking place in Sicily on these days, which is also attended by Vahan Babayan, PAP Secretary, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee on European Integration of the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and...
