PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with Peter Svitalski, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia


Today, the PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with Peter Svitalski, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia. The PAP Leader and the Ambassador discussed concerns raised in the report of the OSCE / ODIHR mission about the Constitutional Referendum held on December 6 and the steps which should be done to increase public confidence in the electoral process.

The sides also discussed the proposed amendments to the Electoral Code, which will be discussed at the National Assembly in the nearest future, referring to the mechanisms that will establish more effective legislative protection to prevent frauds and irregularities. The PAP Leader noted that the “Prosperous Armenia” party works on its own package of proposals to the Electoral Code, and actively participates in discussions of the Electoral Code. The Head of EU Delegation to Armenia Peter Svitalski informed that they are ready to support to develop such an Electoral Code and such a system that will exclude illegal interventions in the electoral process and will help to restore the public confidence in the electoral process.