Naira Zohrabyan has met with lifers urging them to stop the hunger strike


Today, on December 22, the "Prosperous Armenia" party Leader Naira Zohrabyan has visited 38 lifers in "Nubarashen" prison, who've been on a hunger strike for 9 consecutive days demanding the revision of cases.

 In an interview to, Naira Zohrabyan noted that she had discussed with lifers their demands and legislative issues.

"Among the lifers, indeed, there are people whose cases are subject to revision, especially the cases of 14 soldiers who were regularly subjected to humiliation by the other soldiers during the military service and committed a homicide in self-defense," mentioned the PAP Leader.

Naira Zohrabyan said that there are also many lifers who truly deserve their punishment.

“Of course, we don’t want at all to review the cases of violent offenders, maniac killers and those, who slaughtered their families. After all among the lifers there are also the monsters who carried out the October 27. But those, who have participated in the attack, but haven’t killed anybody, their cases should be reviewed and they must be punished accordingly, "she said.

The PAP Leader is concerned about the cell conditions of the lifers and the procedure of meeting the relatives.

Naira Zohrabyan urged lifers to stop the hunger strike promising to be consistent with the revision of truly unfair clauses in the Criminal Code.