Naira Zohrabyan: Prosperous Armenia Party representatives recalled from parliament’s international delegations


The parliamentary faction of Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) has recalled its representatives from international delegations of the Armenian parliament, the faction head Ms. Naira Zohrabyan told reporters today. 

In her words, a written reply of the National Assembly Speaker Galust Sahakyan has already been  received confirming that those persons were recalled from the delegations. 

N. Zohrabyan said that PAP faction plans to hold a meeting soon, and a reshuffle will be made.

She also said that Prosperous Armenia Party will conduct a campaign for adoption of the draft constitutional amendments at the referendum due in Armenia in December. PAP will campaign separately from the Republican Party of Armenia. 

According to Naira Zohrabyan, a schedule was already drawn up, and meetings will start in the near future. She stressed that PAP does not plan to stage rallies, but will instead concentrate on holding meetings with referendum participants.