Walter’s dislike for caviar doesn’t prevent him from liking Azerbaijani petrodollars


At the session of the Political Affairs Committee of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), Robert Walter “showed off” his dumb British humor, stating that he doesn’t like caviar and ate it only twice in his lifetime, Naira Zohrabyan, member of the Armenian delegation in PACE and leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” party told Armenian News –

According to her, the British MP sitting next to her said that this, however, does not prevent him from liking Azerbaijani petrodollars.  

“The discussion on preparing the report titled “Escalation of Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and Other Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan” was held according to a very predictable scenario. Apparently, MPs of the PACE Committee on Political Affairs, who are the famous clientele of Azerbaijan, joined Robert Walter’s statement on that Armenia persistently hinders his visit to Nagorno-Karabakh,” Zohrabyan said.

In the MP’s words, the Armenian delegation representatives once again explained in detail the Committee audience what they told Walter exactly one year ago: no member of the Armenian delegation and no representative of the republic’s authorities can allow or ban Walter’s entry to Karabakh.

“If he has to visit Nagorno-Karabakh for preparing a balanced report, he has to officially apply to the authorities of the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. This is what Walter refused to do exactly for one year for fear that Azerbaijan, which feeds him, will accuse him of acknowledging the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic,” Zohrabyan said.

According to the MP, Robert Walter told heartbreaking stories on his visit to the Line of Contact from the Azerbaijani side, during which he wore bulletproof vest and helmet, as well as about the shells from the Azerbaijani side flying over his head.  

“In response to this, the French MP François Rochebloine said that unlike Walter, he had been to the Line of Contact from the Armenian side eleven times and saw shootings flying over his head from the Azerbaijani side, fired from large-scale weapons,” Zohrabyan noted.

In her words, seeing that this trick didn’t work, Robert Walter passed to the second part of the planned scenario, trying to win compassion from the MPs present at the session regarding the fact that the Armenian press unjustly accuses him of his pro-Azerbaijani stance, referring to his Turkish citizenship.

“While the Armenian and international press precisely refer to the fact that Walter is a Turkish citizen, he received a Turkish passport in the Embassy of UK in Turkey personally from the FM Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu. And Turkey’s stance concerning the  Karabakh issue is absolutely clear. Walter’s wife is Turkish by nationality, and in 2011 brought some famous British businessmen to Baku, where she runs a serious business. Besides, Walter always supported Azerbaijan during all votings,” Zohrabyan stated.

The British MP of PACE Robert Walter is preparing a report titled “Escalation of Violence in Nagorno-Karabakh and Other Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan,” but hasn’t visited Nagorno-Karabakh so far.