H. Poghosyan promised N. Zohrabyan that no force will be used against detainees


In response to the request of the Head of the PAP faction Naira Zohrabyan that when the detainees will be released, the Deputy chief of the police Hunan Poghosyan announced in Baghramyan Avenue: ’՛If there is an administrative offense, as we have promised, they will be released within three hours.՛՛ Naira Zohrabyan once again repeated: “You have given us the word, we’ll pursue that no force is used against them and in response to this there was an answer-assurance that no force will be used against detainees.

Hunan Poghosyan ensured that they would be released according to the regulations. At this moment it is not known how many people were arrested.

We should note that a few minutes ago the police chased the protesters from the Baghramyan Avenue, who made a living wall sitting on the floor and preventing the process of opening the road traffic.

At the moment, the traffic in Baghramyan Avenue is restored.
