Armenia MP: Issue of PACE President's objectivity should be raised


YEREVAN. - The Armenian side will thoroughly inform their PACE colleagues on the crimes committed by Azerbaijan. 

Member of the Armenian delegation to PACE, Naira Zohrabyan, told the aforementioned to Armenian News – correspondent.

In her words, the Armenian delegation has sent the package on the topic to all the political groups, as well as Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights.

“We have directed them the documents at our disposal, which suggest the tortures and cruelties committed by Azerbaijan. It’s already a fact that the 18 soldiers, whose bodies were transferred by the Azerbaijani side yesterday, had been subjected to unspeakable tortures,” Zohrabyan noted. 

In her words, the facts are so evident that the international community will qualify them as war crimes unless they decide to be partial from the beginning.

The Armenian delegation is also going to raise the issue on the objectivity of the PACE President Pedro Agramunt at the session to be held on April 18.

“One shouldn’t forget that the office of the PACE President is run by Pedro Agramunt, who performs the obligations of Aliyev’s spokesperson. We should give assessment to Agramunt’s strict announcements,” Zohrabyan said, adding that she is personally going to raise that issue.  

The escalation of situation in Karabakh conflict zone has been included in the agenda of PACE’s spring session.