
Meeting at the PAP Faction
On June 10 the Head of the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction Naira Zohrabyan and the members of the Faction Elinar Vardanyan, Stepan Margaryan, Vahan Babayan met with Axel Fischer and Alan Mill, the Co-Rapporteurs on Armenia of the PACE Monitoring Committee. In the course of the meeting the Head of the...
Naira Zohrabyan's speech in Yakutsk at the Inter-Parliamentary Committee meeting on Cooperation between the RA National Assembly and the RF Federal Assembly on ‘The Lessons of History in the Destiny of Nations. The 100th Anniversary of the Armenian G
Dear colleagues, The slogan of the Armenian Genocide Centennial is “I Remember and Demand”. I remember and demand so that any nation never again survives the disaster through which the Armenians passed 100 years ago. And when I handed over the photos of the Armenian Genocide victim children to...
PAP faction held a meeting with Robert Nazaryan
Today, the PAP faction held a meeting with Robert Nazaryan, head of the Public Services Regulatory Commission and the members of the Committee. During the discussion the PAP members presented their concerns over the rise in electricity tariffs, which will automatically lead to the rise in other...
The PAP Youth Union Has Discussed the Results of the Riga Summit
Today, the PAP Youth Union held a meeting to discuss the results of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Riga and the agenda for the Armenia-EU future legal document. The PAP Youth Union has decided to launch a series of meetings with non-governmental organizations dealing with the European...
The PAP Youth Union’s Executive Body Held a Meeting
Today,   the PAP Youth Union's executive body held a meeting chaired by the head of the PAP Youth Union Vahe Enfiajyan. The PAP Youth discussed the issue on electricity price rise, which has recently raised a discontent among the public. A package of proposals made by the “Prosperous Armenia” party...
Meeting at the PAP Erebuni Regional Structure
Today, the PAP leader Naira Zohrabyan, the Vice-Chairman of the Political Council Vardan Vardanyan, the PAP members Mikayel Melkumyan and Vahe Enfiajyan met with the PAP Erebuni regional structure. The members of the PAP governing body presented the party's position on domestic and foreign policy...
Prosperous Armenia: Azerbaijan’s European mercenaries should be pilloried
YEREVAN. – The Armenian delegations in European parliamentary organizations are fighting in every way against the Azerbaijanis’ attempts to bribe their colleagues with Azerbaijani caviar. Opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Chairperson Naira Zohrabyan, who also heads the PAP National Assembly...
The PAP leader took part in the AECR Council meeting
On May 21-23 the AECR Council meeting took place in Winchester, South East England. The election of the AECR president and the new board was on the agenda. The situation in the Member States and the current issues were discussed at the AECR Council meeting. Naira Zohrabyan has delivered a speech at...
Non-government factions plan to hold hearings on electricity tariffs
Five non-government factions of Armenian National Assembly intend to conduct hearings on the electricity price increase. ARF Dashnaktsutyun, Prosperous Armenia, Armenian National Congress and Heritage factions decided this during a meeting at the Prosperous Armenia faction. Orinats Yerkir Party’s...
Debate on the Process of Expansion of Communities in the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction
On May 15 in the RA NA Prosperous Armenia Faction a debate on the process of expansion of communities was held, where the members of the faction, members of the government, aldermen of the communities and experts took part. The Head of the NA Prosperous Armenia Faction Naira Zohrabyan has informed...
