
Within the frames of the assembly the leaders of invited delegations participated in the round-table discussion of the topic “Global issues: the role of political parties in the crisis surmount”. Within the frames of the assembly the leader of “Prosperous Armenia” Party had a meeting with the Deputy Secretary General of “Yedinaya Rossiya” Konstantin Kosachyov. The latter considered the collaboration with “Prosperous Armenia” very valuable and important and revealed the serious role that “Prosperous Armenia” Party undertook in the inner and foreign policy of Armenia where that role is becoming more obvious and considerable. Konstantin Kosachyov welcomed Gagik Tsarukyan’s suggestion of having a joint roundtable meeting in spring of 2009 in Yerevan which will be devoted to the problems and prospectives of Armenian-Russian collaboration. The deputy secretary general of “Yedinaya Rossiya” also informed that they accepted Gagik Tsarukyan’s invitation and will participate in the 4th assembly of “Prosperous Armenia” political party taking place in February with the delegation of core Presidium board of “Yedinaya Rossiya”.

“Prosperous Armenia” Party delegation also had some meetings with the members of the Parliament of the Russian Federation as well as the representatives of several international delegations. All these meetings witnessed the fact that those entire present see a serious and trustworthy partner in “Prosperous Armenia” Party and its president Gagik Tsarukyan and the Party’s role is becoming very considerable and effective.