PAP Leader. We all mourn and pray together for the victims



On occasion of terrorist attacks in Brussels, the Leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” party Naira Zohrabyan has sent a letter to the President of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists Jan Zahradil, as well as to the Head of the EU Delegation to Armenia, Ambassador Peter Svitalski.

It is written in the letter:

Once again, the world was shocked by the inhuman terror. Words are powerless to describe our grief and all the feelings, that we had hearing the news on terrorist attack. One thing is certain; we must all unite our forces and our will to fight against this global evil.

On behalf of “Prosperous Armenia” party and on my own behalf please accept our deepest condolences. We all mourn and pray together for the victims and wish the injured a speedy recovery.

Please convey our condolences and support to the friendly people of Belgium and families of the victims. 

I wish will and endurance to all of us to unite against this global evil.



Leader of the “Prosperous Armenia" party