You are the meaning of our lives, the reason for our living and our continuation

My beloved children of Armenia, Artsakh and Diaspora, happy holyday!
You are the meaning of our lives, the reason for our living and our continuation. In hard times, you are the hope that makes adults to be stronger.
Any Armenian family does everything to give their children a good education, to secure a prosperous and safe life for them, but today our most important mission is to bequeath our children a homeland with sovereign, safe and strong borders.
On this festive day, I want to bow my head to the memory of all our heroes who sacrificed their lives for the defense of the Motherland, to say that we have a moral duty to always be with their families. The cry of every new born child in those families is the pledge of our existence, the one that ensures the permanence of our nation.
Eternal glory to all our heroes!
I also send my warm congratulations to all our children of besieged Artsakh, I wish this were the last trial that they have to go through. In these hard times, every new child born in Artsakh comes to prove that the will of Artsakh people is unbreakable, the struggle is relentless, and the demands are just.
Dear children, congratulating once again on this bright and happy holiday, I wish you health and happiness and the realization of your most cherished dreams.
God bless us all!