Three days ago Gagik Tsarukyan and I were drinking tea with Naira Zohrabyan

03/27/2016 continues its new rubric "Shabat with a politician" within the framework of which we will try to present our politicians from a slightly different angle, to talk to them about different topics out of politics.

Our second guest is Naira Zohrabyan, Head of NA PAP Faction, with whom we strolled in the city center.

Naira Zohrabyan was accompanied by her grandson, little Babken, and although he was taciturn, we found out that he wants to become an MP and then a president. But first he should go to school, study well...

Babken is very attached to his grandmother. They always have a good time together, watch cartoons and walk.

Mrs. Zohrabyan, do you have any traditional option to spend your weekend. What kind of weekend do you prefer?”

“Unfortunately, in recent years, "a weekend" concept does not exist for me. But, if I am lucky and I am able to steal at least several hours from myself, I watch cartoons with my grandson or read a book. It’s a childhood habit- usually I start to read a few books at the same time. Now, when I have very little free time, I read Jean-Louis Fournier’s "Where We Going, Daddy" novel in French, and Agnès Martin-Lugand’s “Happy People Read and Drink Coffee" novel. Both are very interesting books.

“You're a mother, a grandmother, a party leader. These are all difficult and responsible jobs. Which is the most difficult for you and how you combine them?”


“You know, I have an important principle in my life, which I have learned from Samvel Mkrtchyan- everything in life should be done with love. And in this case you are both a good mother and a good grandmother. I think that I’m not a bad politician and a party leader either. But, I leave that to the public’s judgment. For me, the important thing is that I never feel uncomfortable to look at my relatives’ and the people’s eyes I love”.

“Mrs. Zohrabyan, sometimes, when you look back, what do you feel? Are you pleased with your present? What dreams do you have today?”

“Yes. I have no particular reason to complain. I'll be honest, I have always been lucky and it won’t be honest to complain. And my dreams are very simple now that my daughter, my grandson, my sisters, my mother, my friends be healthy and happy, as well as I can carry out Samvel Mkrtchyan’s wish to transform his house in Gyumri into a school for translation. I will definitely do that.

“The recent years were quite stormy and we can say difficult for the party. Have you ever wanted to leave everything, and if yes, what has kept you from doing it?”

“Yes, sometimes I have a great desire to leave everything and to go, a step and I would definitely do that. But I am a responsible person. I do not like to give up, I never lose, and if I have taken a responsibility, even if it is sometimes extremely difficult and complicated, I am used to overcome difficulties and move forward”.

“How do you relax after a hard working day? Is there anything that is required in your everyday life?”


“I should read a few pages of Narek before sleeping. It is mandatory. Besides, I have started to be seriously interested in the British physicist Stephen Hawking’s theory on the origins of black holes in the universe.”

“Is there a book that you always keep on hand?”

“The Bible and James Joyce's novel "Ulysses," which I think is the Bible of the world prose.” 

“Is there anyone from the female world politicians whose ideology and views you share?”

“I would not single out somebody special. Strong women have always been interesting to me, and one can definitely learn something from them”.

“What is the most important advice that you have ever received and given?”

“It was my very dear Hrant Matevosyan's advice not to be afraid of dreaming and always be brave. And I always advise to people precious to me never to stop sticking to their principles, whatever price they have to pay for it”.

“What has been changed in your life since becoming a leader of the party?”

“My concerns have been doubled million times”.

“What kind of relationships do you have with Gagik Tsarukyan out of politics? Is there a line that you still try to keep in the party?”


“Three days ago Gagik Tsarukyan and I were drinking tea and chatting. To lead such a party one should not think ten times, but ten thousand times and then take a step”.

“Do you like to travel? Which country attracts you most of all?”

“Frankly speaking, not so much. I have been to many countries, but the Iguazu Falls located between Argentina and Brazil was the most impressive. It was the moment when I felt I was in paradise.

“If you have an opportunity to meet and talk to a figure who had a major role in the history of mankind, whom would you chose and why?”

“I would like to meet Albert Einstein and ask if everything in the world is really relative”.

“Which place do you like in Yerevan most of all?

“The street where most of my life has passed, Komitas, the Aram Khachaturyan street”.

“Mrs. Zohrabyan, you always mention the role and the importance of women, and even you have a unique approach to March 8. You think that it’s a discrimination day against women arguing that women should always be paid attention to, women should respect themselves… Have you ever faced any difficulties because of these approaches? In the end men play a great role in our reality.



“Many approaches and principles of mine, indeed, very often create problems for me. But as I've already told I never avoided any challenge and I do not like to back down”.

“What kind of grandmother are you, in your opinion? How much time do you spend with your grandson? Do you know about his dreams?”

“Unfortunately, I have little time to spend with my grandson. He will soon be 5 years old, and all his dreams are related to the new model of mobile phones”. 

“What is your biggest joy in life for which you are most grateful?”

“My soul and my conscience is peaceful, when my relatives are healthy and do not have serious problems. And I am happy that Samvel Mkrtchyan has been in my life and I have been the happiest woman in the world.”

Our constant questions:

1. “What would you change first and foremost in our country, if you were a leader for a day?”

“I would restore the death penalty for child molestation”.

2. “Which is your life's greatest failure?”

“Fortunately, there was not any.”

3. “What supernatural strength would you like to be endowed with?”

“Let this remain my secret”

And in the end we present a video in which Naira Zohrabyan answers the questions of our fellow citizens.