Prosperous Armenia: Azerbaijan’s European mercenaries should be pilloried


YEREVAN. – The Armenian delegations in European parliamentary organizations are fighting in every way against the Azerbaijanis’ attempts to bribe their colleagues with Azerbaijani caviar.

Opposition Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) Chairperson Naira Zohrabyan, who also heads the PAP National Assembly (NA) Faction, stated the above-said at the NA on Wednesday.

In her words, the “caviar diplomacy” actively works at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), and the Euronest (European Union+Eastern Partnership countries).

“I see its result. Such people should be put in a pillory, called disgraceful caviar-eater. But this still does not give its result.

“What is our MFA [i.e. the Ministry of Foreign Affairs] doing? One single fight strategy should be made, including with participation by the ministry, and the [Armenian] diaspora should be invited,” Naira Zohrabyan noted, in particular.

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