The visit of the president of “Prosperous Armenia” party Gagik Tsarukyan to the region of Armavir took place on June 24th. Gagik Tsarukyan first met the representatives of several non governmental organizations operating in Armavir region. The leader of PAP allocated aid in the amount of  4.5 million drams to the NGO representatives , as well as insuring free medical checks for people under NGO care.

The next stop of PAP president was the Armavir Arts College. Gagik Tsarukyan met with the students of the Armavir Arts College. “Dear professors and students, let me greet you. I am here today, because students are our future. Our main goal is creating the best possible conditions for the students.”, - said Mr. Tsarukyan in his speech. The president of PAP allocated 4 million drams in support of the teaching staff of the college and in order to carry out works of rebuilding the college roof.

A visit to the regional office of the PAP also took place, and then the President of PAP met the residents of Armavir. Thousands of people greeted Gagik Tsarukyan in the city square.

A meeting with the PAP party active was also on the agenda. The PAP president greeted them, as well as awarded the PAP Armavir’s regional council with a party diploma.