"Prosperous Armenia" party president Gagik Tsarukyan met with more than 100 young scientists of different spheres. The initiators of the meeting were the young people, particularly members of the initiative group "We demand funding for science". During the meeting were discussed a lot of issues worrying young scientists and proposals was made.

Welcoming those who present Gagik Tsarukyan noted that the meetings of this format will be periodic, during which young representatives of the various spheres can represent the existing problems in any area. "We should have our program, because there have been many changes, state faces many challenges, each scientist must present appropriate to his field program, which will contribute to the prosperity of the state", - noted in particular in the speech PAP president Gagik Tsarukyan.

Necessary steps to deal with emigration of young scientists, a lack of funding for science, higher taxes on the importation of scientific equipment and many other issues were discussed at the round table.