PAP Student summer school launched on July 12 with the support of president of the “Prosperous Armenia” Party Gagik Tsarukyan. The event was attended by over 100 students from public and private universities of Armenia.

Student Summer School was held in the hotel complex "Multi Rest House” and lasted for 7 days. The project meetings were held with experts from numerous social and political sectors, as well as representatives of the executive and legislative branches from “Prosperous Armenia” Party. Summer school participants formed three groups with whom trainers worked. Participants of the Summer School project have learned the basic principles of non-formal education, as well as have basic knowledge on the preparation and implementation of projects.

As part of the Student Summer School the president of PAP Gagik Tsarukyan met with the young participants on July 17. The students met with Mr. Tsarukian with great enthusiasm and provided him with the work done in the summer school during the week.

“Prosperous Armenia” party president Gagik Tsarukyan, press secretary of the PAP president Khachik Galstyan, member of political council of PAP Grigor Petrosyan, PAP Political Council member and the organizer of the Summer School Hayk Akarmazyan walked through the exhibition pavilion, where student projects aimed on youth issues were presented.

Mr. Tsarukyan acquainted with the work of students and expressed his willingness to allow the young participants to realize their ideas. After the exhibition, Mr. Tsarukyan walked into the meeting room to meet with students of summer school.

The meeting was held in the question-answer format with the chairman of the PAP. Mr Tsarukyan said that he welcomes any student-youth initiative and expressed readiness to support any project aimed on the problems of students and youth."We must attach greater importance to the role of youth in our country. "Young people are our future and we must help our students, for the great future of our country "- said in his speech, Chairman of PAP. After the official part of the meeting Mr. Tsarukyan continued to communicate with students in informal atmosphere.