The PAP leader took part in the AECR Council meeting


On May 21-23 the AECR Council meeting took place in Winchester, South East England. The election of the AECR president and the new board was on the agenda. The situation in the Member States and the current issues were discussed at the AECR Council meeting. Naira Zohrabyan has delivered a speech at the meeting introducing the internal and external political situation in Armenia, as well as talked about the changes in the PAP party after the February events.

The new membership applications from a number of European countries were also discussed at the Council meeting. Azerbaijani ՛Popular Front՛ party also applied for the membership. PAP leader mentioned in her speech, that it is simply unacceptable to let this party become a member of the European family, as it is a party of a country, where there are more than 80 political prisoners. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine and the realistic ways to solve it were discussed on the third day of the AECR Council meeting.

PAP invited the AECR to hold one of its Council meetings in Armenia in autumn.