
Opening of "Prosperous Armenia" party’s new office of Yerevan administrative region Arabkir municipal organization was marked by visit of Gagik Tsarukyan.

PAP leader toured the new office and gave his appreciation for the work done. It was noted that there are all necessary prerequisites for party work and receive of community inhabitants.

With the participation of Gagik Tsarukyan was held a working meeting with members of the party council.

"We believe in our principle, our program, and our cause. It is necessary in order to have equality, justice, tolerance, solidarity and rivalry. There is experience and there is a lot of work to be done, we must be prepared to face all challenges. Today, the people and trusts, and believes and associates their hope. Each of you should be able to be responsive for his obligations. Ahead we have a period of systematic and unite work, "- said during a meeting with party members GagikTsarukyan.