One shouldn’t exchange money with friends Naira Zohrabyan said during the RF Federal Council


Today, the 27th session of the Interparliamentary Committee on Cooperation between the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia and Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation has launched in Moscow. The first issue of the agenda was the situation around Nagorno-Karabakh, during which members of the Armenian delegation presented what had happened during the April war and raised a number of issues with Russian colleague. Member of the delegation, leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” party Naira Zohrabyan presented military crimes committed by Azerbaijan during the April wartime- the killings and torture of soldiers and civilians, the attacks on civilian areas, as well as referred to the sale of heavy weapons to Azerbaijan by Russia.

“The Blitzkrieg planned by Azerbaijan failed, although Azerbaijan used its offensive entire arsenal during April's four-day war, which was purchased from Russia as well. Today, there is a serious issue in my country about which we are obliged to speak openly and honestly. It is the sale of Russian weapons to Azerbaijan, weapons that Aliev used during the April war killing soldiers and civilians. I don’t understand some of the explanations of our Russian colleagues that Azerbaijan, anyway, could acquire these weapons if not from Russia, then from Israel, Turkey or from another country. I don’t think that this assertion withstands any serious criticism. First, the modern Russian weapons sold to Azerbaijan, are sold exclusively by Russia, and it is optimal in terms of both quality and price. The analogue productions of these weapons by another country are either several times more expensive or have several times weaker effects, and that's a fact, especially that a number of Western countries- the US, France, Germany, don’t sell offensive weapons to Azerbaijan. It’s difficult to accept the idea that business is much more important than a strategic partnership, and even when people are killed, it's just business, nothing personal.

I’m sorry, maybe it’s pragmatic, but defective logic. Pragmatic, because actually many people do so. Defective, because one shouldn’t exchange money with friends," Naira Zohrabyan said in her speech.

PAP Press Service