Organized within the framework of the Olympic Committee "Olympic Solidarity” program sports and cultural event called "Olympians in our midst” was held under the auspices of the National Olympic Committee of Armenia president Gagik Tsarukyan. The author of the initiative also spent a holiday with the children.

Festive event kicked off with a procession of Olympic, World and European champions with their children and grandchildren. With great solemn Olympic symbols were presented, after which the procession participants reported the NOCA president about event beginning.

According to NOCA President Gagik Tsarukyan words love for the sport should be sow since childhood and this event is very important in this context. "I heartily congratulate you on the International Children's Day. We all have a common goal to ensure a happy childhood and a excellent future for our children "- said in a speech NOCA president.

As part of the celebration, Vice-President of NOCA Derenik Gabrielyan passed to Gagik Tsarukyan Emeritus Cup of Moscow Olympic Sports College.