
Directors of 25 state non-commercial
organizations operating under the Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs met with
NOCA President Gagik Tsarukyan.

The theme of the meeting was a discussion of the open letter addressed to the
Armenian President, Prime Minister of Armenia and NOCA President Gagik
Tsarukyan criticizing the activities of the Ministry of Sports and Youth
Affairs, which has recently been circulated in the press.

Gagik Tsarukyan greeted the representatives of the sporting world and noted
that the publication of a letter was an unpleasant surprise for him, especially
since the area of ​​sports is at the heart of his
everyday attention and NOCA President trying to give a solution to any issue

During the meeting, SNCO directors noted that appeared on the Internet and
printed press letter made them deep indignation and resentment.

The representatives of the sporting world have noted that a letter sent on
behalf of directors of 18 SNCO was actually an unsigned and anonymous, and none
of them had anything to do with this letter.

"2012 is an Olympic year and there is nothing what can interfere to the work
of the joint and solidary family and to willingness to achieve high results in London", - concluded
the meeting participants. And advised to
the authors of such a cheap initiatives not to waste power and efforts
to bring discord among the sporting world representatives, because all
attempts, as this one will be unsuccessful.