Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on European Integration


On September 3 the Head of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan received Ioannis Tayis, Greek Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Republic of Armenia . 

Naira Zohrabyan has presented to the Ambassador Armenia’s internal and external agenda issues. The constitutional reforms were mainly touched upon. According to the Ambassador, it is extremely important that the country’s key political forces and the weighty political party such as Prosperous Armenia have their active participation in the content discussions of the constitutional amendments. In this regard Naira Zohrabyan has presented the party’s approaches, observations and concerns on some key provisions of the submitted package. 

During the meeting the issues of Armenia-Greece parliamentary cooperation were discussed. Naira Zohrabyan expressed her concern that in such important platform as the PACE the Head of the Political Committee, representative of the Greek delegation Dora Bakoyannis with her definite pro-Azerbaijani orientation directly casts shade on the Armenian-Greek parliamentary relations. In this regard the Ambassador has mentioned that they are aware of Dora Bakoyannis’ position and has officially announced that it has been multiple times mentioned that the latter doesn’t represent Greece ’s official position and it has been publicly announced about that.

The parties have also discussed issues concerning the deepening of the Armenian-Greek parliamentary ties. Ioannis Tayis has noted that they attentively observe processes occurring in the Prosperous Armenia Party and they appreciate that today the Party is in the strong position. 

The interlocutors have also discussed the concerning situation in Greece . Naira Zohrabyan has expressed hope that Greece could find potential and resoluteness in it, for overcoming the created socio-economic situation.