On 2nd of September in the club "Azdak held a press conference of Khachik Galstyan Press Secretary of the president of "Prosperous Armenia" party Gagik Tsarukyan.

Press secretary of PAP once again congratulated schoolchildren, teachers and educators with the Day of knowledge, writing and education. Khachik Galstyan also congratulated those present on the 19th anniversary of the independence of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, and noted that this is one of the best achievements of Armenian people.

Journalists interested in the socio-political, trade-economic and athletic events which PAP president and president of NOKA Gagik Tsarukyan is going to implement. Press secretary of PAP president said that in autumn PAP President Gagik Tsarukyan will continue visits to the regions through which he will meet with staff of regional offices, as well as people wanting to join the party. "It is also expected the opening ceremony of the new office of "Prosperous Armenia" party which will make the party's activities more effective and public", - said Mr. Galstyan.

Trade-economic issues were raised too. The Armenian-Belarusian trade house will soon be put into use. "With the support of the President of Belarus Armenian-Belarusian trade house will be open in Minsk too", - said Mr. Galstyan. In October fair "Zarubezh Expo” is expected also the geography of which is expanding every day.

"It is expected many sporting events, world championships and we expect the victories of our athletes there", - said at a press conference the press secretary of PAP leader. Khachik Galstyan noted that this year, Mr. Tsarukyan will also carry out public activities and will expand the geography of charity events.

At the end of the press conference Khachik Galstyan once again congratulated the journalists with the holiday and wished them fruitful work.