
Today the club "Azdak held a press conference of Khachik Galstyan press speaker of the "Prosperous Armenia" party’s President Gagik Tsarukian. On the first press conference in 2010, journalists were interested in the conclusion of the Constitutional Court regarding the Armenian-Turkish protocols, as well as the position of PAP around the expected developments in the Armenian-Turkish relations and the Nagorno-Karabakh confrontation.

Before the press conference, press speaker of the "Prosperous Armenia" party's President Gagik Tsarukyan awarded a certificate on which the president of PAP Gagik Tsarukyan recognized as “The best politician of the Republic of Armenia in 2009" for active state, political and social activities.

Khachik Galstyan first presented the position of PAP on Armenian-Turkish relations. "In the settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations Turkish side has repeatedly made statements about preconditions on which it is connected with the settlement of the Karabakh issue, it was wrong strategic step from Turkey," - says Mr. Galstyan.

According to press speaker, this Turkish approach gives the serious possibility and base to the Republic of Armenia to seal more its position on Karabakh confrontation that has already seen.
”None of the powers can compel Republic of Armenia to make unilateral concessions on such an Armenian national, state and vital issue as the Karabakh issue", - said a spokesman.

Mr. Galstyan, referring to the statement by the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin that the settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations has no connection with the Karabakh issue, noted that it once again bring to confirm Armenian position that the two processes are so complicated  for complex interconnection in such a way that it will be possible to leave them with a positive result.