PAP city mayor candidate Harutyun kushkyan's interview to "Post Skriptum" magazine

-Mr. Kushkyan Yerevan alderman elections are going to take place on May 31st. You are at the head of “Prosperous Armenia” Party electoral list. What meaning does Yerevan have for you?

- As each Yerevanian would say, this is my city, my memories, our present life and the future of our children. I am proud of each achievement and all the privileges of Yerevan and at the same time I am concerned with every problem the city has. And no matter what post I am holding I have always been serving and will continue to serve for the consistent development process of my city. Our city needs caring hands.

- How do you remember Yerevan of Your childhood and Your youth?

- Your question reminds me of pleasant memories. Yes, my childhood and youth Yerevan was very beautiful. I used to live near “Moscow” cinema, studied at “Pushkin” high school. Those beautiful buildings, parks, squares, fountains enraptured me. 

- Is there anything you would like to bring back from past Yerevan?

- It is really interesting. Yerevan has developed much, become modern. But indeed there is something from our old Yerevan which we would all like to see again and enjoy. Maybe green walking areas, parks for children, more constructions in Armenian architecture style, clean sidewalks, and of course, happy faces.

- In what colors do You see Yerevan?

- I agree that pink color has always been relevant for Yerevan, but today, as in the whole world, the construction can be done in lighter colors. The most important is for each construction to have its unique, architectural value, preserving the best traditions of Armenian architecture. 

- You have been trusted by a powerful political party team with its leader Gagik Tsarukyan. Is the feeling of responsibility great?
- The responsibility is indeed very great, because I am responsible to a big team and to “Prosperous Armenia” Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan. I would only say that I will never spare efforts to accomplish our Party pre-election program and I will try to do all possible to have the trust of my cooperators and our nation.

- What is the program of Yerevan development of Your party?

- This is maybe the most important question. The program of Yerevan development of our party has been made by the best specialists headed by the party leader Gagik Tsarukyan. We were guided by the results of social surveys made upon Yerevan residents. Those surveys included all the problems and their solution ways. Serious and ponderous this is PAP pre-election program of Yerevan alderman elections.

“Prosperous Armenia” Party pre-election program includes Yerevan development in all areas: social -economic, educational, town building, democratic. Yerevan managing structure must be seriously guided by composite social-economic program of Yerevan development, which follows the activity of main project implementation. The illegal construction of residential buildings, entertainment and other buildings must be stopped, which by the way deface the architecture. The city Tamanyan soul must be rehabilitated.

The community authorities must support the residents, must be informed about large family problems, as well as about problems of single mother, old people and families of defenders who were killed in battle and children.  The refurbishment problems of roofs, entrances, stair wells and other territories of common use must be solved. City authorities must become the best friend of people working in culture and science sphere.

A special attention must be paid on rehabilitation of ecological equilibrium of Hrazdan Lake and Hrazdan canyon as well as Yerevan Lake.
Yerevanian must be sure that his city has a master and that the master is him. These are main dispositions of our party program which must be accomplished. But, however, the most important is to return the heart and the soul of Yerevan.

- The pre-election campaign is in process already for several days. Where did you have meetings and what kind of events are expected?

-Meetings have been held in different communities of Yerevan. Thousands of people took part in those meetings. Our team presented “Prosperous Armenia” Party pre-election program and listened to different suggestions and ideas. We don’t give promises. We just suggest to learn about our pre-election program and if it is honored with trust by people then they should vote for “Prosperous Armenia” Party.  Yerevanians will have a chance to learn about the pre-election programs of all other parties during this period. We are sure that our party team and our pre-election program are able to make Yerevan a more beautiful city, cleaner, well-organized and make every day routine of residents more comfortable.

-Which will be Your priority problems to be solved if You are city mayor?

- We think that the priority problems that must be solved during the first years are to finish the reconstruction of Yerevan streets, highways, undergrounds and bridges. Also the implementation of buildings construction is considered very important for people who are homeless because of destruction of buildings under the threat of collapse of 4th level, Yerevan residents must have twenty-four-hour water supply, Yerevan must become a cultural, international, tourism center, it must become a city of culture and science, Yerevan must be illuminated and it must attract investments. We know that there is much work to do but we are sure that all the problems can be solved with the united efforts and in short period of time.

-Mr. Minister You are a doctor. Can it be assumed that being elected as a city mayor You would prefer anyhow healthcare sphere?

- It is early to speak about that. I think that Party will decide it later.

- Holding the post of RA minister of Health you were much overloaded with work. Being a city mayor You won’t have much time either. What is Your family attitude towards that fact?

-  I have always been overloaded with work. My family not only takes that fact with much understanding but has been always proud of any of my initiatives.

-Several political forces are taking part in these elections. How would You estimate that fact? What would You advise to Your competitors?

- That speaks about democracy. If the elections are held so civilized, I will only hail that.

- What appeal would You make to the electors?

- Take part in the elections and elect a worthy mayor. We are sure that our party programs accomplishment will cardinally change the quality of our life to better and will form a mutual trust atmosphere between people and city authorities. It is possible to accomplish only receiving the trusted vote of our co residents.  Vote for “Prosperous Armenia” Party and demand a real work. The full accomplishment of our programs depends on Your trusted vote.

Let’s improve Yerevan together. Let’s build a prosperous country together.