
"Prosperous Armenia" party president Gagik Tsarukyan received the newly appointed Head of European Union Delegation to the Republic of Armenia, Ambassador Traian Hristea.

Congratulating on the occasion of appointment, Gagik Tsarukyan expressed hope that in the future, too, relations between the European Union and Armenia will develop dynamically.

"Dear Mr. Tsarukyan, thank you for the meeting opportunityt. "Prosperous Armenia" is the first party, with president of which I meet after my appointment. I know that the PAP has a major role in the political life of Armenia. I am confident that the upcoming parliamentary elections will be held in a free and fair atmosphere, and PAP will receive a vote of confidence of the people "- at the meeting said Traian Hristea.

"First and foremost it is important to maintain people's trust. People need to realize that every vote is important, since the elections decide the fate of our country for several years. Those who will be with us, providing fair, open and transparent elections, those are our partners and
"- noted in his speech Gagik Tsarukyan.