
On Saturday the party delegation headed by the honorary chairman of PAP Women council Roza Tsarukyan went to Gegharkunik region. Three large families were already waiting for them, whose dream turned into reality. ”Each word of my son Gagik Tsarukyan is turned into a honorable work. God chose my son to be benefactor and I think doing charity is to give some part of your own to someone who needs it”,-added honorary chairman Roza Tsarukyan. The mayor of the town, the delegates of PAP local structure and many citizens of Martuni came to share Hasoyans family joy from Martuni – the family of 9 children;7 boys and 2 girls. All these people were as happy and excited as the members of the family.
The next stop of “Gagik Tsarukyan” charitable fund was the town of Vardenis. Nuneyans family who have 10 children and Manukyans family who have 6 children also received Mr. Tsarukyan’s present- apartment. The mayor of Vardenis mentioned in his acknowledgement that “Gagik Tsarukyan” charitable fund had made a worthy and right choice. The excitement in these families was also very huge. “Now I am very happy for my family, my children have a house to live in and they will remember for the rest of their lives that this is a present from a great benefactor Gagik Tsarukyan”,-said Andranik Manukyan father of the family.
The day was over. Three large and needy families also received a place to live. And this the best present for the occassion of International Children’s Day, for the families whose children are going to become future soldiers of the Republic of Armenia.