On February 19 in the National Assembly of Armenia was held a meeting of the "Prosperous Armenia" faction with representatives of parties opposed to the ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols. The participants exchanged views on the current phase of the regulation of Armenian-Turkish relations.

PAP president Gagik Tsarukyan welcomed this initiative of the parties, stressing the importance of holding a general discussion among all political forces concerned about the future of the country and to the formation of cooperative approaches to protect the vital interests of the Armenian people. PAP president Gagik Tsarukyan reasserted earlier position of the party on ratification of Armenian-Turkish protocols, mentioning that noting changed.

PAP and today stands for the settlement of Armenian-Turkish relations in a reasonable time without any preconditions. As political force represented in the parliament PAP is in favor for the ratification of the Armenian-Turkish protocols only after they will be ratified by the Turkish Parliament.