
Decree of the RA President Serzh Sargsyan on January 29, Artur Petrosyan Beniamin appointed Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs of RA.

Artur Petrosyan was born on March 22, 1952. in the Ani region ASSR in the family of state servant.

In 1970 graduated from Yerevan middle school number 83.

studied and graduated Metallurgical faculty of Yerevan State Polytechnic Institute.

worked in Nurnus factory processing stones as shift supervisor, and later head of the shaft and head of production.

Since 1981
worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as authorized operas. Later still held positions as senior authorized operas, the head of division and head of the department.

In 1992
was transferred and appointed to the position of head of operations department of the State Tax Inspectorate under the Government of Armenia.

In 1993
was appointed deputy head of RA State Tax Inspectorate, and in 1995 first deputy head of RA State Tax Inspectorate, then the head of operational department. Got the special rank of colonel in the STI.

In 1999, 8th November, was appointed as advisor to the Chairman of the National Assembly of Armenia.

In 2003 was elected to the National Assembly of Armenia.

Since February 2009,
is a member of the “Prosperous Armenia” Party.

2009, 26th July
was appointed as head of the State Labour Inspectorate of the RA.

Artur Petrosyan is married and has two children.