Yesterday a number of Russian media widely covered the Armenian-Russian new business project. This is a contract signed between owned by "Multi Group" concern Yerevan Cognac-Wine-Vodka Factory “Ararat” and Trade House "Kremlevskaya" which is under submission of the Office of Presidential Affairs of RF, by which in Armenia will be made a new Armenian cognac called ”Kremlin Award”.

Official presentation of the new brand took place in the Kremlin Palace, where also attended the founder of "Multi Group" concern Gagik Tsarukyan.

During the presentation director for Russian President’s affairs office V. Kozhin introducing a new brand noted that relations between Moscow and Yerevan is getting stronger and now the results of cooperation, not only can be seen, but also been tried - said, "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". "Komsomolskaya Pravda” reports that a new brand initiative authors have joined the symbols of Russia and Armenia, which undoubtedly will ensure follow-up new prospects for productive cooperation.

From now on offer of a new type of cognac will be used on Russian president’s all official receptions and other social events. In addition, it will be available for ordinary consumers.
In the initial stage in the Russian Federation assumed the consumption of 180-200 thousands of bottles of cognac, and in consequence 500 thousand bottles of the new Armenian cognac will be sold on the Russian market. Of course this can be considered a significant success for the Armenian cognac business, into the origin of which is Shustov tradition.

As early as 1912, the famous Nikolai Shustov provided Russian imperial court by this matchless Armenian drink. We are glad that this tradition continues today, the production of cognac-wine-vodka factory "Ararat" is highly valued in the international arena. For us, the Armenians cognac is more than just a drink for already long time, its became a kind of national treasure and an attribute of pride, which must be carefully preserved.

Source "Aravot" Daily