
The delegation headed by the President of the Council of Europe’s Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations  Jean-Marie Heytd is in Yerevan within the framework of Council of Europe Forum for the Future of Democracy. Senior official and his deputy was received today by president of the "Prosperous Armenia" party Gagik Tsarukyan.

First of all guests informed about the work of forum taking place these days in Yerevan. They reported that senior officials, politicians and public figures from the Council of Europe member states participating in forum.

President of the Council of Europe’s Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations Jean-Marie Heytd noted in his speech that they are familiar with the role of Gagik Tsarukyan in spreading European values and today came up with a proposal: "I am well acquainted with your work and not by chance that for the active participation and efficient management in the work of the Commission on European Integration of the National Assembly of Armenia, with the support of young political activists and the process of generational change and for integrating European values in the political and civil area in Armenia, you have been awarded the title of best European 2009.We know how much you are committed to the importance of membership in the European structures and want to Armenia also had a representative in the Council of Europe’s Conference of International Non-Governmental Organisations ",-said in his speech, Jean-Marie Heydt.

After welcoming the proposal PAP President Gagik Tsarukyan said: "Our future is our youth, I am ready to support by any means and give them the opportunity."

In turn, vice president of the Council of Europe’s Conference of International Non-Governmental Organizations Veyzel Filiz noted his willingness to support a process to strengthen the ties of youth and that the work carried out by the Armenian side will be represented at the European level.