
- Your participation in the congress of the
ruling party in Russia, "Edinaya Rossia" and your meetings in Moscow,
became an occasion for various comments and analytical calculations. How
would you characterize your relationship with the Russian ruling elite? 

- As a leader of "Prosperous Armenia"
party I took part in the congress of "Edinaya Rossia", upon the
invitation of Russian side and this was not surprising because, as you know,
PAP main partner party in Russia is “Edinaya Rossia”. And I think that
good relations between our two parties only will facilitate further
strengthening of relations between our countries. 

- What do you think, what was due to return of
Putin and how it will affect Armenia? 

- For the Russian ruling elite, this was not
unexpected, as it is obvious to everyone that it was in the era of Putin Russia
got out of the deep crisis which came from 90s and was able to stop the war in
Chechnya, restoring stability in that country. As for us, I think that his
return will only have a positive impact on Armenia in the development of
Armenian-Russian relations and in terms of the settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. 

-Many links the return of Putin and the
possible return of Robert Kocharyan to big politics, which the second president
did not excluded in his last interview. What can you say about this? 

- I'm amazed that society celebrating the 20th anniversary
of the independence makes such primitive conclusions. I think the time has
come for us to psychologically feel us to be independent; otherwise we cannot
build a full-fledged statehood. As for a possible return to politics the second
president have a full moral and political authority. 

- What is your relationship with the president
of the country? 

- Normal. Working relations. 

- How do you feel about the process of dialogue
between the ANC and the government?

- I believe that the country should hold against shocks. I applaud and
current president and first president, who managed to prioritize the
preservation of stability in the country, and we have not repeated any
Azerbaijani or Georgian scenarios. Let's remember - when these countries
have lost their territory. 

- In the country there is a kind of pessimistic
atmosphere, many are leaving the country, others irritated and all this
translates into the political arena. How is possible to change this

- You are right, we have become very irritable
nation. Naturally, the situation should be changed. Political and
social field should be changed. Mutual hatred for each other must be replaced
by tolerance, respect for each other. We must all understand that without
the union we cannot get out of this situation. 2012 should be a year to
Armenia of optimism, respect for each other and prosperity. 

- What is needed for this? 

- Very little. 20-25% of our problems is
on the surface. Just the economy should be developed not by primitive
"book" schemes, but with the real life experience. People today are
living badly, why we still artificially complicate their lives. Armenians
should be able to make a family, keep the house. Armenians worldwide have
proven that they are capable. In the United States. Russia, Europe,
Armenians mostly businesslike and hardworking. Let us also in Armenia
create such conditions that the man will remain in Armenia, worked here,
and so we will not harass him to drop everything and hurt left the
country. To do this, its needed to release the hands of our working
people. The state today is not able to do much, because it is not so rich.
But it should not interfere with the owner of the trade stall, the seller of
the store, the owner of a small business in that they rose to their feet, held
and enrich statehood with their taxes. But if you kill the goose that laid
the eggs, the eggs will be no more. Isn’t all this not obvious? 

- What do you order to make life easier for

- First of all I will say that its not a
problem of one person, in order to improve the quality of life requires
statesmanship. And for my part, I will note that I am in constant contact
and always meet with the broadest segments of society. It is very
important and perspective meetings. Taking into consideration the current
difficult social situation, I increased the support to charitable foundation
"Gagik Tsarukian," expanded the programs and at least by this way
trying to help people. 

- How do you prepare for the forthcoming
parliamentary elections? 

- I have already noted that in our country the
situation is that no one can take Armenia from this state alone. Like the
air we need not mechanical, but a meaningful association, and in this sense, we
should not look for internal enemies. The party "Prosperous
Armenia" has set itself the task to take on a unifying role, so that in
2012 we were able to lay the legal foundation for the new Armenia. 

- "Prosperous Armenia" will take part
in parliamentary elections on their own list or in one coalition list? 

- I have several times pointed out that PAP
will campaign on its own, forming its own proportional list. On the other
hand, I want to stress once again that out of the situation the country needs a
big consolidation, unity, much larger than the current coalition. Believe
me, in order to pull the country; we need to create an atmosphere in which
there will not be enemies. And I personally believe that it is real and I
will be guided by this principle. 

- Whose candidacy "Prosperous
Armenia" party would support in the presidential elections? 

- At first it is parliamentary elections and
this should not be forgotten. Incidentally, a few months ago,
half-jokingly half-seriously, in answering this question, I said “about this in
the next lesson" This response is still valid.