On April 23rd in “Armenia Mariott” hotel “Tigran Mets” conference hall a membership ceremony of over one thousand students from 17 state and non-state universities to “Prosperous Armenia” Party took place. “Prosperous Armenia” Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan came to greet and congratulate all the students. The ceremony began with solemn vow of the students. 

”Prosperous Armenia” Political council member Hayk Akarmazyan had the ceremony opening speech. He mentioned that this day is twice notable; thousands of students are admitted into the ranks of “Prosperous Armenia” Party and unite all other students in order to actively take part in political activities. “Those young people or students who want to live in powerful and prosperous republic have numerous reasons, which inspire trust to be admitted into “Prosperous Armenia” Party. I would mention one of them: each student must have the opportunity to manifest himself. And today our youth needs leader who is concerned about future of the country and who proves his words by real work”, - mentioned Hayk Akarmazyan in his speech.
Students who represented different universities also expressed their wish to say several words to the present. Yerevan State University master of political science Erik Ghazaryan mentioned that membership to “Prosperous Armenia” Party is one of their first and brave steps towards the implementation of their united goal – “build a powerful and prosperous motherland”. “I became the member of this party because I am sure that only “Prosperous Armenia” Party headed by  its leader Gagik Tsarukyan will make our republic powerful and prosperous”, - mentioned Erik Ghazaryan.  

In the ranks of new member students the number of girls was also very large. Nare Sahakyan spoke in the name of all the girls and mentioned that every single word in “Prosperous Armenia” Party is turned into a real work. “We know that there is a women council in “Prosperous Armenia” Party and we would like to carry out different united projects with them”, - mentioned Nare Sahakyan. 

At the end of this ceremony “Prosperous Armenia” Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan congratulated all the students mentioning that from now on new member students are the reliable members of the party. “Dear students, seeing your shining and smiling faces I get very excited and once more I feel responsible to be more attentive and successive towards you. This is a very important and responsible day. You are admitted into the ranks of “Prosperous Armenia” Party and you are the reliable partners of the party. We must implement our program together”, - mentioned Gagik Tsarukyan, greeting all the students.   

After the official part of the ceremony Mr. Tsarukyan communicated with young people in informal atmosphere and got acquainted with their suggestions. “Prosperous Armenia” Party leader Gagik Tsarukyan raised his glass and congratulated the students on their membership into the party.