
Honorable President of the Republic of Armenia

Distinguished guests,

Distinguished delegates of the congress,

I welcome you on the Fifth Congress of “Prosperous Armenia" party.

Preceding the Congress two years for our country were a period of hard work, confront to external and internal problems. Headed by the President of the Republic of Armenia the coalition government were put enormous challenges: overcoming the disastrous effects of global financial and economic crisis, restore economic growth, insulate a country from social upheaval, ensure the natural development of our society and political system. These are global challenges that were overcame as a result of joint work with our colleagues. Political coalition has demonstrated its effectiveness.

Of course, in the process of working together have been instances when we have different opinions with our coalition colleagues on specific issues, but it is natural and fits into the framework of healthy logic. “Prosperous Armenia" party also today remains loyal to the letter and spirit of the coalition agreement. We as the part in the coalition government, faithfully fulfill our joint programs, which are aimed on development our country and the establishment and strengthening of our statehood.

Today, very serious problems are standing before our country, there is some social unrest, rising prices, unemployment and emigration. We are determined to overcome these problems. We are confident that through our joint efforts we can achieve our goals, to build strong, welfare and prosperous Armenia.

Dear Colleagues,
The past two years have been an important period also for the  formation of our party. At the last Congress, we announced a new phase of building the Party, on the initiative of the organizational and structural changes in the party.

Today we can note the fact that the work on the formation of the party structures in regions finished, work of regional organizations became more systematic. Today, people trust us, trust our word and work. As a result of these years has increased the flow to “Prosperous Armenia” party, the rating of our party is persistently high in our nation. New people and groups have expressed willingness to cooperate with us. Recently you have seen that some parties have decided to disband and join us. We believe this process is natural.

We are deeply convinced that the process of merging parties in our country should continue, it will benefit only our people, the ordinary citizen and voter. Smaller political parties must unite around large ones, the programs and ideas of which are more similar. Goals and desires of all of us is one that our people live well and be able to live and create in welfare and prosperous country.

Dear Colleagues,
In politics and in life in general there is a very important law, the greater the credibility of a political figure or party, the greater should be the level of responsibility.

We are aware of this responsibility; fully aware that in our country political, economic and social reforms needs perseverance, consistent and hard work. At the same time, in our profound conviction, the guarantor of the success of these reforms is a healthy political generational change and the most active involvement of youth in the political processes of our country.

Armenian young people today should feel secure and safe, to be able to get a quality education and decent work. They should not look for happiness abroad and should tie their destiny with the homeland, our state and statehood. We should give more space to young staff, trust them responsible areas. We should trust and require, create healthy competition for the full realization of their potential. I am sure that in this case, success will not keep you waiting. And in future we will have more knowledgeable generation, better management, stronger Armenia.

Dear colleagues, in the future we will face politically sensitive events, ahead of parliamentary and presidential elections. In recent years, elections, pre-election passions and the subsequent developments precede very painful in our country. Tense political atmosphere, the heat of political struggle sometimes goes beyond what is permitted. “Prosperous Armenia” party has always been a supporter of the civilized methods of political struggle, political dialogue and compromise. Elections should not distort the political world, should not split the Armenian society. Political forces in our country must fight with the rules of the democratic game.

Healthy competition between political forces, free expression of ideas and opinions, different opinions and multiparty are democratic values, surely that ought to be preserved and developed. This is a straight road leading to democracy.

We are confident that the political power of the Republic of Armenia has sufficient political will to conduct the upcoming parliamentary and presidential elections in accordance with international standards.

The future of the Republic of Armenia - a democratic country, the guarantor of a democratic country - free and fair elections

Elections must unite the Armenian society, forming joint programs and approaches for the country development. “Prosperous Armenia" party is loyal to democratic values; "Prosperous Armenia" party is self-confident, ready to civilized political struggle, free competition.

Dear party members, ahead of us are consistently and persistently work for the good of our state and our citizens' welfare.

God bless us,
To work, to welfare and prosperous Armenia.
Thank you