
PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with OSCE/ODIHR experts
Today, the PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with OSCE/ODIHR experts. They discussed the concerns raised in the report of the OSCE/ODIHR about the Constitutional Referendum held on December 6 and the steps which should be done to resolve the concerns in the report. The PAP Leader introduced the...
Nagorno-Karabakh needs further peaceful negotiations under the mediation of OSCE
AECR President Jan Zahradil emphasized on Monday that there is no alternative to peaceful negotiations for the landlocked Southern-Caucasian region Nagorno-Karabakh. OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs should mediate these negotiations and one-sided resolutions should be avoided, Zahradil mentioned...
PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with Peter Svitalski, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia
Today, the PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with Peter Svitalski, Head of EU Delegation to Armenia. The PAP Leader and the Ambassador discussed concerns raised in the report of the OSCE / ODIHR mission about the Constitutional Referendum held on December 6 and the steps which should be done to...
Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on European Integration
On February 11, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration met with Ms Judith Margaret Farnworth, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.  Naira Zohrabyan touched upon the inner-political situation created in the...
Meeting at the NA Standing Committee on European Integration
On February 10, the Chair of the NA Standing Committee on European Integration Naira Zohrabyan met with Johannes Douma, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Armenia. In the course of the meeting the sides discussed the agenda of the RA-EU future legal...
PAP welcomes the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists
Today, the President of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists Jan Zahradil and the AECR Chief Executive Richard Milsom met with the members of the “Prosperous Armenia” party. The “Prosperous Armenia” party is a member of the European Conservatives and Reformists Alliance, which is...
Prosperous Armenia: Want new loan? But who has answered for spending old ones?
YEREVAN. - When making proposals to take out new loans, the Government has never said who answered for the old ones and how they did that. Leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” faction said the aforementioned in the parliament today. According to her, there is no point in asking who wants new and...
Opposition MP: Corrupted political culture in Armenia doesn’t allow to find new ombudsman
YEREVAN. - Corrupted political culture in Armenia doesn’t allow to find a new candidate for an ombudsman. Naira Zohrabyan, leader of Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) faction, said the aforementioned in the parliament today. According to her, both the authorities and the opposition think that the...
PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with Barbara Davis, Deputy Head at the OSCE Office in Yerevan
 Today, the PAP Leader Naira Zohrabyan met with Barbara Davis, Deputy Head at the OSCE Office in Yerevan. The already held Constitutional referendum as well as the violations observed during the referendum and the implementation of legislative mechanisms countering them have been discussed during...
Naira Zohrabyan has met with lifers urging them to stop the hunger strike
Today, on December 22, the "Prosperous Armenia" party Leader Naira Zohrabyan has visited 38 lifers in "Nubarashen" prison, who've been on a hunger strike for 9 consecutive days demanding the revision of cases.  In an interview to, Naira Zohrabyan noted that she had discussed with lifers...
