Statement of the Political Council of the Prosperous Armenia Political Party


Political Council of the Prosperous Armenia Political Party strongly condemns the Government’s attempts to carry out a political persecution and retaliation against the PAP leader and member politicians through cheap methods. It is obvious that it all has begun after Mr. Tsarukyan’s famous speech on June 5 in which he pointed out the Government’s failures noting specifis areas: disgraceful socio-economic indicators, hundreds of thousands of citizens being in bank “captivity”, complete branches of the economy on the verge of collapse, huge growth of unemployment, failure in struggle against the pandemia, unforgivable tension in relations with the strategic allies. Following the raising of these issues and the demand for the resignation of 100% of the Government staff, the authorities unleashed a series of political persecutions against the representatives of the Prosperous Armenia Party. Having no political counter-arguments the government crossed all moral red lines and today obviously violates the human rights and the right of the life integrity of the citizens and the immunity right of the deputy. Being a member of EC and a member of many international organizations Armenian Government ruthlessly obstructs the professional work of its deputies and politicians trying make them silent by political retaliation and publishing personal recordings through committing a gross violation of the law and many international conventions. We are stating that in the history of the Independent Armenia there has never been such a "rule of the game" and even in the most complicated political relations, personal life, family, children have been inviolable topics and values. Instead of solving the most important social problems facing the country during these difficult times, the government has used all its resources and fake industry, on which huge state funds are spent, to organize immoral political revenge against the PAP leader and PAP deputies not facing any moral barriers including the immorality of intervention into the family and private life. The PAP Political Council calls on the government to refrain from hooliganism. We urge international organizations and human rights organizations not to leave unresponded this immoral campaign unleashed by the government against the RA deputies and politicians, as this path chosen by the government is the shortest way to dictatorship. Prosperous Armenia Party calls on all political and public circles, civil society, conscious society: This is not a matter of political views, this is another matter of dignity and the integrity of a person's private life. Express your indignation, let us reject together the desperate attempts to discredit individuals and families.