The kindergarten in the border village Victory is renovated


With the support of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, the PAP continues to implement social projects for the most vulnerable social groups.

Being inspired by the positive response of the project done for the Yezidi refugees, the second Cooperative Project was implemented together with the support of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists, of which “Prosperous Armenia” party is a member. This time the “Prosperous Armenia” party chose the kindergarten in the border village Victory of Tavush Region. There was no kitchen in the kindergarten. The Directorate of the kindergarten has applied to the PAP regional structure, which in turn contacted the PAP central office informing about the issue. The PAP always implements numerous social projects and to solve this problem the party found it appropriate to implement this project along with the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists within the framework of the Cooperative project. With the support of the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists necessary construction materials, paints and other equipments were purchased for the kitchen. Now the children of the border village Victory have fully renovated kindergarten with a neat and well furnished kitchen. After implementing this Cooperative project we hope that more and more children of the village Victory will attend the kindergarten.