Armenia MP: Azeri MP says one thing, while his country is doing contrary


Before speaking about tolerance and preparing reports, the Azerbaijani MPs must apologize from PACE rostrum for their anti-Armenian policy, aggressive actions, religious intolerance and cultural vandalism, Naira Zohrabyan, member of the Armenian delegation in PACE and leader of the “Prosperous Armenia” party said at a discussion on the Azeri MP Rafael Huseynov’s report on the freedom of religion and coexistence.

According to her, the topic of the report is vital for modern Europe. “I’m flipping through the report and thinking what titanic efforts Huseynov exerted to write one thing, while his country is acting exactly contrary to the declared values,” the MP said.

“But is Huseynov ready to apologize for the destruction of UNESCO-protected Julfa cross stones? This destruction organized by Azerbaijan is a crime and its reason is concealed in religious intolerance,” the MP said, reminding that in the early 20th century the former Armenian Julfa region had over 6,000 unique cross stones, whose remnants were destroyed in 2005-2006 by the Azeri soldiers, the cemetery being turned into a firing range

In Zohrabyan’s words, harsh statements of the European institutions didn’t prevent the Azerbaijani vandalism, which was also condemned by Vatican.