Naira Zohrabyan's speech at the PACE autumn session


Dear Colleagues,


While you still continue to slightly remark on Azerbaijan with the spirit of an English gentleman, on the other hand fervently support the preparation of a suspicious report on Nagorno Karabakh issue, the main purpose of which is known to everyone sitting here, Azerbaijan in front of you all has already become an anti-democratic monster. And our Assembly's support in giving birth to that monster-frankenstein is really great. While with joint efforts you're writing Bob Walter’s report, the Defense Minister of Azerbaijan Ali Hasanov declares that the Armenian areas that are inaccessible to small arms will be subjected to fire from large-caliber weapons. The president of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev declares that in a week there will not be left one stone upon another in Armenia. On September 24 as a result of shelling on the Armenian border by Azerbaijan three women died, three families left without mother. And the next day, in the evening as a result of Turkish-made TR-107 rocket launcher used by the Azerbaijani side four soldiers were killed. It is obvious that during the ceasefire violation the use of artillery by the Azerbaijan on the border creates a new situation, which is the next step to the large-scale military operations. Therefore, Azerbaijan bears full responsibility for the further developments. Of course, it’s a well-known truth that only those swagger, who are weak and timid and the response of the Nagorno-Karabakh authorities to the Aliev’s constant threats is clear that in case of such developments the response will be full of irretrievable losses for Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan had a chance to be convinced of it for several times.
Dear colleagues, the regular border tensions, which become a reason for the innocent victims have only one solution: within the framework of the international law to respect all the norms of that law and the people’s right of self-determination, which the people of Nagorno Karabakh has done a long time ago according to international law. I think it’s an illusion to wait, that Azerbaijan will ever have a rational authority, which voluntarily will realize that Nagorno Karabakh will never be part of Azerbaijan. It’s an illusion, when we see how the Azerbaijani journalists and free speech advocates are sent to prisons, how the human rights activists and the opponents of the Aliyev’s clan are tortured in prisons. Why? Because by not applying clear sanctions against the Aliyev’s clan we dissolve the hands of the country's political elite. Otherwise, a few days ago Aliev wouldn’t attack the European institutions, the West and Germany once again stating that they aren’t in need of the West, it’s the West that needs Azerbaijani oil and gas. After all this, the decision is yours whether to continue stroking Azerbaijan for the sake of oil and gas ultimately making this country a regional and European serious threat or not.