The PAP leader Naira Zohrabyan’s Congratulation on the Independence Day


Today is the 24th Anniversary of Armenia's Independence. Today, we already have a literate, educated and honest young generation, the generation of Independence, who together with us is surely aware of the real value of Independence. Today, a lot of beautiful and, why not, high-flown words will sound. But for me the Independence is first of all the responsibility of each of us to keep and maintain the Independence acquired at such a high price. And for doing it it’s important to understand and accept a simple truth that each of us should do his/her best and even more to maintain the firm basis of our Independence.

Let this day we celebrate not only on the calendar, but let it be a holiday, which is always with us, the holiday of every citizen of the Republic of Armenia in order nobody feel neglected and alienated. And we are responsible for it, we- the politicians, who the citizen of our country trusts to ensure peace, stability, prosperity, a fair and dignified solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, and most importantly, justice.

It is our duty. Let's not forget about this. And let this be a real celebration day for all of us, because the value of Independence is immeasurable and invaluable.