
Dear colleagues, 

Members of the PAP faction, members of the political council and responsible persons of the territorial structures are present here. 

I would like to inform You that I am going to meet with Levon Ter-Petrosyan and Raffi Hovhannisyan today. We will discuss the total package of joint actions. 

Yesterday late evening I hold a meeting with numerous figures, leaders of the parliamentary and out-parliamentary forces joining the national movement, the veterans of the Artsakh liberation war and representatives of public structures, who are waiting for our decisions. And the most important thing is that the people are waiting for our words and actions! 

Before passing to the presentation of the program of our future actions, I would like to touch upon the well-known person’s speech aired yesterday. At the same time, I would like to especially stress, that my speech is addressed rather to the people than to him. 

Dear compatriots, 

All of us know quite well, in which situation is our country and the Armenian citizens today, and who is the main guilty person of the happened. 

All my actions of the recent years have been directed at the discussion of problems and finding solutions in the political plane. I have always stated that I am not a political figure in the classical sense, but under the conditions of, to put it mildly, bad governance, when Armenia is thrown back, all of us should raise and try to find and suggest a way out from the formed situation. I saw the way out in view of political reforms.

I came to the politics exclusively with one purpose: to support my country and my people to go out from the formed situation. 

I did my best for the consolidation of the considerable part of the political field, all the main political forces and figures. I set the rules of the game: not to insult and not to spread the personal hostility. It is because our task is rather to be useful for our country and people, than to insult and transfer the relations in the field of personal hostility.

Now I want to especially stress, that after yesterday’s event my approaches have not been changed. As before, we will stay loyal to the principle of correctness and will stay exclusively in the political plane. The usage of street vocabulary is not typical for us. Neither is the hysterical and emotional behavior. 

Like you, I got acquainted with that person’s speech. 

There was no word concerning the development of our country and the solution of people’s problems in so-called program speech of the person, occupying the position of the President of the country. 

No word about the following:

1. Why did the economy of Armenia experience full decline during the years of his presidency, why did the investments dramatically decrease, why did the poverty increase, and why did the declared and non-declared enterprises belonging to him and his closest environment start developing violently in parallel to it?

2. Why did the terrorization of business become the state program? 

3. Why is the country fully weakened because of the migration reaching awful sizes?

4. Why did we appear in the financial instable situation? 

5. Why is property of the whole villages, the people’s houses and the belongings of people mortgaged in the banks, and why are the people unable to pay percents?

6. Why did the tension on the Armenian and Karabakh border increase, and why do we hear about new and new victims every day? 

7. Why did Turkey and Azerbaijan become so impudent that they speak of Armenia slightingly? 

8. Why did the issue on millions of dollars lost in casinos raise in the PACE?

9. Why are hundred millions of dollars destined for the account of the “Nairit” factory stolen and wasted, and why did one thousand and seven hundred people appear in the street?

This person has not spoken, even when Nazarbayev humiliated him. 

He did not tell, why he has not returned to Armenia from Baden-Baden during the aggravation of the military situation in August. 

He was also silent, when people became panic-stricken in connection with the galloping depreciation of the dram. 

He did not tell, why he was silent when Gyumri and the whole Armenian people grieved and worried about the cruel murder in Gyumri. 

And now I will answer the questions, which have been directed personally to me.

About my alleged expulsion from the Security Council. 

I would like to inform you that, in fact, I have not worked in this structure for six months, and I have not quit this structure officially only at his personal request. 

After all this, evaluate yourself what yesterday’s statements mean. 

About unseating me a member of parliament. 

The most important thing for me is the trust of the citizens of the Republic of Armenia, and I have this trust. So, I have the most important mandate. 

Many people are interested, why Serge Sargsyan started the way of personal insults, which is not suitable for the position occupied by him. 

I want to open all the brackets and to be sincere. I have been suggested numerous variants of cooperation, personally interesting suggestions, including the position of the President after the change of the Constitution, under one condition, that I will agree with the reproduction of his power. It means that through the constitutional reforms I should support the realization of his dream to be reelected for the third period and to govern the country for life. I have categorically rejected this anti-state approach, because the man, who has provided Armenia with a jump backwards has no right for such kind of pretensions. And it is this my position, which became the main reason that he has violated all the rules of political and human relations. This is the reality, nothing more. 

In fact, the program speech of this person has been dedicated personally to me, i.e. his program is the declaration of war to me and the elimination of obstacles on the way to his lifelong presidency. It is just his program! Passing forward, I want to state that I accept the challenge and am ready to go till final victory! 


In the yesterday’s speech it was mentioned allegedly about the taxes not paid by me.

I have to state that during all the years of his presidency the enterprises belonging to me and my relatives have been checked up during the months. 

In comparison with him, instead of the unchecked rumors and wild statements, I will bring official figures and remind of what was happening under everybody’s very eyes. 

During his presidency the external debt of the country increased by more than three billion dollars. Where is this sum, Mr. Sargsyan? As a result of dollar -dram games, millions of dollars have been stolen from people. Where are these sums?

The people want to receive answers to these questions from You. Though, according to the unchecked rumors (being expressed with Your words), the people know quite well, where are these money. The people is also well informed, who has dissipated the budget and who has been engaged in “kickback” during many years. 

Where are the amounts due to our pensioners, doctors, farmers, servicemen, police and security employees, students and teachers? The people know quite well. 

I officially state, that after the change of power these two-three persons should return the billions of dollars stolen from the people to the budget, for us to be able to make Armenia astir, to strengthen Karabakh, to liberate our people from the burden of percents and provide our children and parents with the deserving life. There is no alternative solution. 

As for the personal insults to me, I will answer the following:

I will not descend up to such a low level.

Touching upon the issue on the political farce, it should be mentioned that the Armenian people consider the existence of the current power as a farce. It is our common shame, and it is high time to correct the mistakes. 

Now let’s speak about our further actions. 

The situation demanding an immediate solution has been formed since yesterday. I am sure that the full change of power through the off-year presidential elections is the only solution to this issue.

Dear compatriots, 

I know that it was your main demand, and I have been trying for long time to find the way of satisfaction of this demand without shocks. 

But, in fact, it is the authorities, which selected the way of shocks. What can I say? It is their guilt. 

What are we going to undertake? Quite exact and balanced measures. 

Dear compatriots, 

Be ready for struggle! When three thousand people go to streets, they have to change the law. And if the whole people go to streets, the power will change. 

Now I am calling upon for the national mobilization with one certain purpose: to achieve Serge Sargsyan’s resignation by all the legal political methods (ceaseless rallies, processions, marches, acts of defiance, etc.) to get rid of the power of evil. 

We have to make these authorities go away. We have to close the shameful and inglorious page of our history. It is high time to clean the irrespirable atmosphere in Armenia. 

Our word is deed. Now I consider the liberation of Armenia from the evil of the authorities as the greatest deed of my life. 

I wish all of us victory!