There is a deep concern in the society over the use of force against peaceful protesters by the police. Elinar Vardanyan


I share our citizens’ fair and honest indignation on increasing electricity prices and making Armenia appear in such a severe situation. It hits our state, hits pockets of every family. Already on June 22, early in the evening I had a deep concern in terms of the further negative developments, when the negotiations entered a deadlock between police and protesters. It was not clear who were authorized from the side of protesters to negotiate and the presence of different interests was visible even to the naked eye. I was in touch with the police, the representatives of the ombudsman’s office till midnight trying to find ways to avoid a collision. Once again, I urge our enforcement authorities to show restraint in any case, and always remember that there cannot be any polarization. We all live in the same country and our problems are common. I am deeply concerned about the violence against journalists in the line of duty. There cannot be any convincing explanation or excuse concerning this issue. I was deeply troubled by the fact that hundreds of peaceful demonstrators are taken to the police and the most important task is to release them as soon as possible. I remind the government that it is impossible to solve people's demands using water cannons and batons. The issues are not solved in this way; it only deepens the internal feuds. There is no country in the world that can solve the problem of economic development with the help of police forces. I would like to lay emphasis on the trend of youth in forming a new layer before our eyes with a high civic consciousness, who are lead by their own conscience and the state ownership will. These young people are the engine of the social rehabilitation and the right development of the state.