
With the initiative "Prosperous Armenia" party president Gagik Tsarukyan in Armenia will be imported agricultural machinery manufactured in Belarus. Machinery with the prime cost in installments will be given to the villagers.

The initiative is a part of the mutually beneficial cooperation between Armenia and Belarus in various spheres. 


Due to personal warm relations of President of the Republic of Belarus Alexandr Lukashenko and "Prosperous Armenia" party president Gagik Tsarukyan has been implemented several programs. These include the opening of the Armenian-Belarusian Trade Center "ArBe". This initiative is aimed at the development of agriculture.

Due to CEO of "Multi Group" concern Sedrak Arustamyan embodied in the life on behalf of Mr. Gagik Tsarukyan these ideas in a short time will give positive results in the development of agriculture.

According to the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belarus to Armenia, Stepan Sukhorenko the basis of the Armenian-Belarusian cooperation is the desire to present the Armenian consumers only the best Belarusian goods. "This initiative of "Multi Group" concern is a real gift for people engaged in agriculture", - mentioned ambassador.

It should be noted that the Belarusian tractors and rural production technology on the market are among the best, and before the spring sowing such a support to villagers is very timely. With prime cost, in installments with 0% APR people who wish to purchase tractors manufactured in Belarus may apply to the trade center "ArBe".