Thousands of people in Artik town of Shirak region met Gagik Tsarukyan.

In Artik Gagik Tsarukyan took part in the consecration of the Christian Holy Cross, presented to the city by the family of the NA deputy of PAP faction Mushegh Petoyan.

After Gagik Tsarukyan met with hundreds of residents who had gathered to join PAP ranks and personally handed out membership cards.

"Unconditionally serve and hold high the honor of the Party" - with oath and applause newly minted party members strengthen their decision to be faithful to the PAP ideology.

Gagik Tsarukyan congratulated and welcomed already party members Artik inhabitants, noting that if person is in politics he should understand fully that from this day he is responsible to society and must think about his people, country and state.

"Always with you and your trust and faith I will keep sacred and preserved. Our word is work, we have always been guided by this slogan, and subsequently also will continue to work with the same spirit and confidence to make the future better "- summed up president of "Prosperous Armenia" party Gagik Tsarukyan.