Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of China to Armenia Tian Changchun visited Gyumri. Guests received by Vice Speaker of National Assembly Samvel Balasanyan. Guests were escorted to a church complex Aramaberd. For the Chinese delegation built in 10th century and extant church complex was impressionable.

"Armenia and China have history of centuries and we must do everything to strengthen the friendly relations," - this idea was expressed by a permanent member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of China Li Changchun during a meeting with president of "Prosperous Armenia" party Gagik Tsarukyan. Tian Changchun visited Gyumri for realizing this idea. "Today we arrived to Gyumri to find out what opportunities there are in the city, I will make sure that there will be investments into city and new work places will be opened" - said a senior Chinese official.
"Given the program's strategic development of our country, in Gyumri will be the center of our techno development, China also is interested to provide Gyumri new technologies", - said the member of PAP political council, the president of Peace Committee of Armenia Grigor Petrosyan.
In the framework of cooperation Gyumri will be one of the sister cities of China.

According to the preliminary agreement in this month, is planned the visit of the vice speaker of the National Assembly Samvel Balasanyan to China."We will do everything we can to the Armenian-Chinese relations have developed and reached new heights", - said Vice Speaker Mr. Balasanyan.