- How would you rate 2010?

- Like every year, as well in 2010 there have been the acquisitions and failures. It is very difficult to draw conclusions on one year. For the country calendar year, is a relative concept. Concluding the year, outstanding problems and issues are not solved, they merge seamlessly into the next year and need to be addressed. In this sense, 2010 was important to make the right conclusions, to properly assess and categorize the problems, hear each other without the stress of elections, to assess the opinions for and against. How it was done following 1-2 years will show.

-Were there reductions in establishments belonging to you from the crisis?

-I mentioned this at the outset of the economic crisis. In all belonging to me establishments was done and will be done everything possible to prevent a reduction of jobs and wages. I can reduce my profits, even have losses, but I will not allow people be out in the time of the crisis. All of them have families and I have to do everything possible so that these people will be able to keep their family with their work. But we must also understand that if Tsarukyan going to take this step, many people simply can not make such and as a result reduce and unemployment begins.

-Your assessments as a head of the Olympic committee? How was the sports year?

-Assessments should be given by the people. If we approach the issue in terms of number of medals, then there is a progress. Instead of won last year at the European and world championships 135 medals this year we have 157 medals. I believe that for such a small country like Armenia it is a serious result. But the sport - it's not just with medals and should not be given marks only on the number of medals. Sports, sports achievements increase the prestige of the country, do your country recognizable, sports victories get others to respect your country, despite its size and number of inhabitants. Sport achievements provide great encouragement for the people inside the country. People become confident, more proud, and for our nation today it is very important.
When our athletes compete on equal terms with representatives of the world's strongest countries, the people begin to believe that we are able to solve all the problems and create a strong and prosperous Armenia.

I’m honestly happy for every medal and sad about every failure wondering what the cause of what was happened and what could be done what was not done. I would like to mention especially gold we won at the world weightlifting championships in Turkey, in honor of what was raised Armenian flag and anthem played. It was a question of honor, and we came out with honor. Very few people know how much work has been done to achieve those unforgettable moments. One thing I can assure that in future I will continue to do everything possible to achieve sporting victories. Once again I want to note that in the modern world sports means more and athletic achievements are not limited in their frame.