-How do you assess the outgoing political year?

-In political terms, the year in general can be regarded as calm, despite some political activity. In economic terms, the year was a little tenser. It was obvious impact of the global financial crisis. For this reason, throughout the year were important in particular activities aimed at the post-crisis rehabilitation. But I would like to talk more about our sporting achievements.
In the sporting sense year for us can be considered one of the most successful years. Our athletes have successfully acted in major sports disciplines, and in this year also returned home with a rich collection of medals. One of the important commemorative events in the past year was 20 years of NOCA. The main ideology of the Olympic movement is to spread among the masses Sport and the Olympic ideas. In the 2010 in our country on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of NOCA were plenty of sports activities, which involved thousands of young people. In November the anniversary was celebrated with great chic. The leaders and representatives of the Olympic committees from about 30 countries of the world came to congratulate us. Hear about the country one, come and see for yourself is another. All foreigners coming to Armenia and see the warm attitude and hospitality of our people change their attitude towards us. Today the sport has become one of the areas to raise awareness about our nation in the world. I am happy that our athletes have performed brilliantly in this important mission, a great pride when at the world and European championships tricolor raised and anthem of our country heard. It is truly a joy, Armenian sports fans expects only victories from our competitors. Like important acquisition of our work last year, I would note the return of people to the sport. Nothing can compare with those feelings that were in the entire nation from victory of Tigran Martirosyan, who become the world champion in Turkey, holding high the country's sporting honor. Or win of Nazik Avdalyan in the 2009. We finally got a taste of victory, thanks to our athletes in different parts of the world Armenian flag rises up and anthem played. Our people today in separate sports are just waiting for victories of our athletes. This is positive acquisition about which is needed to say. Sport in our country is one of those areas where we can see the conspicuous development and progress. Our task, as President of the Olympic committee is to maintain this development and progress and develop further.

- In the last days of the year was evident some activity on the domestic political arena, the known events occurred, resignations, there have been personnel changes. According to some analysis there is expected the resignation of ministers from PAP. Are you going to change your ministers?

-For us, political or governmental positions have never been an aim itself. Anyone who can take on this burden, to lead the area assigned to him, he should hold the position. We do not have a system-relative acquaintance. Man is evaluated only on their knowledge, professional and human qualities. You saw that in this year we have also made personnel changes, withdrew two of our ministers and appointed new ones.This is a normal and natural process. I look the same at the ongoing personnel changes by republican coalition partners in their designated areas. As for rumors of the resignation of our ministers, they do not correspond to reality. I am pleased with the work of our ministers; in particular with the work of the Minister of Health Harutyun Kushkyan, he does a great job for the implementation of reforms in the health care field in our country.

Interview by Margaret Yesayan