The foundation of your political activities can be considered with establishment of “Prosperous Armenia” party. How did the idea of establishing a party rose?
First I would like to stress that I entered into politics much earlier than was founded “Prosperous Armenia” Party. In 2003, in the majority order, I was elected to the RA National Assembly and only then founded a party “Prosperous Armenia". Coming to reasons for the creation, then there are several.
First I would like to stress that I entered into politics much earlier than was founded “Prosperous Armenia” Party. In 2003, in the majority order, I was elected to the RA National Assembly and only then founded a party “Prosperous Armenia". Coming to reasons for the creation, then there are several.

1. I am among those people, who cannot remain indifferent to the fate and future of their country: I could enjoy the fortune I made up to a ripe old age, but with my love to the motherland and my people I decided to enter politics to serve, to be useful to people in the measure of my strength, to serve the cause of strengthening and prosperity of my country.
2. Longer the same in politics there is one very interesting pattern. If you do not work with politics, the politics will work on you. A person cannot be out of politics, and especially big business. I can argue about this issue with anyone who tries to prove the opposite. The entrepreneur is the overpass, which takes care of ensuring the stability of the country, its economic development and its strengthening. Just in our reality, there are people, who use politics as a business, but I came into politics as an entrepreneur, with already authority and respect to serve my people.
3. Finally one of my goals in establishing party was to create a political power in which our people believe, because in this party at the same time there are worthy, knowing their job, informed people who have great prestige and popularity among the people.
2. Longer the same in politics there is one very interesting pattern. If you do not work with politics, the politics will work on you. A person cannot be out of politics, and especially big business. I can argue about this issue with anyone who tries to prove the opposite. The entrepreneur is the overpass, which takes care of ensuring the stability of the country, its economic development and its strengthening. Just in our reality, there are people, who use politics as a business, but I came into politics as an entrepreneur, with already authority and respect to serve my people.
3. Finally one of my goals in establishing party was to create a political power in which our people believe, because in this party at the same time there are worthy, knowing their job, informed people who have great prestige and popularity among the people.