
TV RAI reveals the argument between the PACE President Agramunt and the Armenian Deputies
  Italian famous ՝  TV  RAI made a 55 minutes documentary telling about the scandalous trial of the  PACE former vice president, honorary chairman of the EPP Group in PACE Luca Volonte.  Milan prosecutor's office  filled in a criminal case against Volonte that accused him of taking a bribe of  2....
PAP President Naira Zohrabyan awarded the youth
        Today PAP President  Naira Zohrabyan  awarded several young members of the party with Certificates of Honor and monetary awards. In her speech PAP President mentioned about the importance of lifelong learning, sustainably developing scientific thought and the youth competence. The party is...
“The Fines for the brazen puppies of the officials and oligarchies must be multiplied by thousands” Naira Zohrabyan
PAP (Prosperous Armenia Party )Leader Naira Zohrabyan thinks that the “nationalization” of the “red lines”, price reduction of airport services, gas, electricity is a pre-election step; she believes that the authorities could have done these reforms earlier but there was no political expedience...
Tsarukyan on returning to Armenia politics: If need be, folded page could open
    YEREVAN. – Prosperous Armenia Party former Chairman, tycoon Gagik Tsarukyan, did not rule out the possibility of his returning to active politics. “I closed the chapter of politics two years ago, but I stand with my people,” Tsarukyan on Wednesday told reporters. “But if need be today, if the...
Armenian delegation member to launch legal process against PACE President
  After Pedro Agramunt was elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) I either don’t get the right to speak or get it almost at the expense of my life. Member of the Armenian delegation to PACE, Naira Zohrabyan told the aforementioned to Armenian News –
Armenian MP demands to urgently discuss Azerbaijan's nationwide referendum at PACE
  The autumn session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) kicked off on Monday. At the session leader of the Prosperous Armenia faction, Naira Zohrabyan, who is also an MP of the Armennian National Assembly (NA), made an address, demanding to review in an ad hoc or urgent...
Prosperous Armenia rules out alliance with RPA in Gyumri
    YEREVAN. – Prosperous Armenia ruled out the alliance with the Republican Party of Armenia in the council of elders in Gyumri, MP Miakel Melkumyan said. During the elections in Armenia’s second largest city, the party could stand competition with the ruling party and other opposition forces,...
Prosperous Armenia Party: Monopoly issues in the country can be solved in a week
  The abuse of monopolies in Armenia can be stopped in 1-2 weeks. Prosperous Armenia Party (PAP) MP Mikayel Melkumyan stated the aforementioned in the parliament on Tuesday. In his words, this doesn’t require months of studying of the obvious issues. Nobody in power needs to be prompted who...
Prosperous Armenia: No more apparent violations will take place during elections
    YEREVAN. - The agreement reached between the Armenian authorities and opposition on the Electoral Code will allow preventing at least the most obvious violations, if not all. Head of the Prosperous Armenia faction Naira Zohrabyan stated the aforementioned at the ceremony of signing an...
Prosperous Armenia MP: Publication of post-election lists won’t replace electronic system
YEREVAN. - Publication of post-election voter lists cannot replace the electronic system. Prosperous Armenian Party MP and economist Mikayel Melkumyan told the aforementioned to Armenian News –, commenting on the decision of the Central Electoral Commission (CEC) to revoke the Electoral...
